Charlotte Jones
Group Chief Financial Officer
Nationality: British
Appointed to the Aviva plc Board and Group Executive Committee as Chief Financial Officer on 5 September 2022.
Experience and competencies
Charlotte has held a number of executive positions during her career, including Chief Financial Officer of RSA Insurance plc, Interim Chief Executive Officer of the RSA UK & International business, and Chief Financial Officer of Jupiter Fund Management plc. Before that, Charlotte was Head of Group Finance at Credit Suisse Group, Deputy Group Chief Financial Officer at Deutsche Bank Group and an audit partner at EY. Charlotte is a Chartered Accountant.
Charlotte is a highly experienced Chief Financial Officer with an impressive track record across the insurance, banking, and asset management industries. Charlotte’s financial expertise and strategic decision-making skills play a fundamental role in driving Aviva towards its strategic goals.
Charlotte is a director of Aviva Insurance Limited and Aviva Group Holdings Limited.
External appointments
Member of the Sheffield University Management School Advisory Board