Meet our Nomination and Governance committee
George Culmer
Cheryl Agius
Independent Non-Executive Director
Andrea Blance
Independent Non-Executive Director
Ian Clark
Independent Non-Executive Director
Patrick Flynn
Senior Independent Director
Shonaid Jemmett-Page
Independent Non-Executive Director
Mohit Joshi
Independent Non-Executive Director
Pippa Lambert
Independent Non-Executive Director
Jim McConville
Independent Non-Executive Director
Michael Mire
Non-Executive Director
T.Neil Morrison
Independent Non-Executive Director
Ensuring the Board has strong and responsible leadership together with a wide range of skills.
The principal purpose of the committee is to monitor the balance of skills, knowledge, experience and diversity on the Board and the succession plans for the Executive Directors.
The committee focuses on ensuring that your Board has strong and responsible leadership together with a wide range of skills, knowledge and experience, which are critical to creating long-term shareholder value and business success.
The committee continues to take responsibility for the oversight of talent development and ensuring that a future talent pipeline is taken throughout the Group.
The committee is required to meet no less than four times a year.
George Culmer (appointed 25 September 2019) (Chair)1
Michael Mire (appointed 12 September 2013)
Patrick Flynn (appointed 16 July 2019)
Jim McConville (appointed 01 December 2020)
Mohit Joshi (appointed 01 December 2020)
Pippa Lambert (appointed 1 January 2021)
Shonaid Jemmett-Page (appointed 20 December 2021)
Andrea Blance (appointed 21 February 2022)
Ian Clark (appointed 11 March 2024)
Cheryl Agius (appointed 21 May 2024)
T.Neil Morrison (appointed 17 June 2024)
1 Chair from 27 May 2020
Role and responsibilities
The committee assists the Board in its oversight of Board composition, Board and senior executive succession and Group corporate governance by undertaking the following:
- Assesses the balance of skills, knowledge, experience and diversity on the Board
- Recommends Board and Board Committee appointments to the Board
- Assesses succession plans for the Executive Directors
- Assesses diversity, equity and inclusion initiatives
- Assesses talent development throughout the Group, ensuring there is sufficient pipeline of diverse talent available to achieve the Company’s current and future strategy
- Assesses the operation of the Governance Framework and governance practices across the Group
- Drives consistency in respect of governance and overseeing compliance with governance principles in line with the Group’s strategic priorities
- Assesses the Group’s organisational design and the governance and controls around the proposed changes
- Oversees the subsidiary governance framework and regulatory control environment.
Read the full terms of reference for our Nomination and Governance Committee (PDF 170 KB)
Other committees
Audit committee
Assisting the Board in discharging its responsibilities for monitoring the integrity of the Group’s financial statements.
Customer and Sustainability Committee
Assisting the Board in its oversight of culture, conduct and reputation issues.
Risk committee
Assisting the Board in its oversight of risk within the Group.
Remuneration committee
Assisting the Board with remuneration.