
How we communicate with you

First and foremost, we use our website to communicate with our shareholders.

  • It’s environmentally responsible: by not printing hard copy reports, we could save around 30 tonnes of paper each year and reduce harmful greenhouse gases.
  • It’s cost effective: less printing and postage saves money for us and our shareholders.
  • It’s fast: you can access all our latest shareholder updates as soon as we publish them on - simply by clicking on this shareholder updates link.
  • It’s secure: your documents can’t get lost in the post.

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Update your email communication preferences on the Computershare Investor Centre.

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If you are not a shareholder or hold your shares in an ISA or share dealing account, you can still receive news about Aviva by subscribing for news alerts.

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What we'll send you

  • Our Annual Report and Accounts (ARA) - produced according to UK requirements.
  • Notice of our Annual General Meeting and details of how to vote on the resolutions to be considered at the Annual General Meeting - for ordinary and American Depositary Receipt (ADR) holders only.
  • We announce our financial results on our website four times a year. Find out when we plan to make these announcements on our Financial Calendar.

If you have preference shares in General Accident, you’ll get General Accident’s Annual Report and Financial Statements.

Email or post?

We’ll either:

  • Email you a link to the document on our website if we have your email address.
  • Post you a paper copy if you’ve asked us to, or if you are a new shareholder and we haven’t asked you to confirm how you’d like to hear from us yet.
  • Post you a notification of the publication and a link to where you can find it on our website. We do this when you haven’t given us your email address or responded to our request to confirm how you’d like to hear from us.
You can change how you get shareholder documents at any time. Contact Computershare for ordinary and preference shareholders or Citi for ADR holders.

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