Chair's update
Dear Shareholder
It has been a little over a year since I first wrote a shareholder update, expressing the sense of responsibility I felt to you all as the owners of Aviva. I’m pleased to say that in the 12 months since, we have taken great strides in creating value for our customers and for you.
We’ve made good progress on our strategy, focusing the group on our chosen markets and consolidating our financial strength. Our efforts to transform Aviva’s performance are bearing fruit, as you can see from the summary of our interim results later in this update and I’m heartened that we are doing what we said we would across all aspects of our strategy. You will also see details of how we are living up to our commitment to return substantial capital to you as shareholders.
Transforming our performance to truly unlock our potential will remain the major focus for the years ahead. And this will go hand in hand with delivering on our purpose. We’re aiming for profitable and sustainable growth while living up to our responsibilities as the UK’s leading insurer to our communities and the wider environment. You will find more information on some recent developments on all fronts below.
The job is by no means done. We have lots more to achieve together in the year ahead, but I have confidence that we are heading in the right direction, and I hope you share that optimism. Thank you all once again for your ongoing interest in Aviva.
George Culmer - Chair
Financial updates
2021 interim results update
Amanda Blanc, Group Chief Executive Officer, said:
“We have made good progress on all fronts in the 12 months since we launched our strategy...
While we’ve got more to do, our half year results show we have what it takes to drive growth in our businesses. We remain completely focused on transforming performance, capitalising on the breadth of Aviva, making insurance simple and easy for our customers, and creating value for our shareholders."
Read our Aviva plc 2021 interim results announcement - Aviva plc for more details.
2021 interim dividend
Amanda Blanc, Group Chief Executive Officer, said:
“In light of our confidence in the strength of the business and underlying cash flows, the Board has declared a 5% increase in the interim dividend to 7.35 pence per share.”
The interim dividend in respect of the 2021 financial year of 7.35 pence per share, is payable on 7 October 2021.
You should keep your bank details up to date with us to make sure you get your dividends on the payment date. Contact our Registrar, Computershare to provide your bank mandate instruction.
Find out more about Dividends - Aviva plc.
Share buyback programme
Amanda Blanc, Group Chief Executive Officer, said:
“We are delivering on our commitment to make a substantial capital return to our shareholders. We intend to return at least £4 billion to investors by the end of the first half of 2022 (subject to regulatory and shareholder approvals, completion of disposals and market conditions), starting with a share buyback of up to £750 million.”
On 12 August 2021 Aviva announced a share buyback programme for its ordinary shares of up to £750m. The buyback purchases started on 13 August 2021 and is expected to complete by 17 February 2022. The shares purchased under the programme will be cancelled. The shares will be purchased for Aviva on the stock exchange by Citi Global Markets.
Business updates
Environment & community updates
Seven steps to help protect UK homes, businesses and communities from climate change impacts
Aviva is calling for urgent action to ensure UK homes and businesses are protected from flood and extreme weather events caused by climate change as the insurer launches its first Building Future Communities report.
Latest Aviva Fraud Report calls for Online Safety Bill to include financial scams
Aviva is calling for greater consumer protection from online financial fraud by urging government to include financial scams promoted by paid-for adverts in the scope of the Online Safety Bill.
Shareholder warning
We have had an increasing number of reports from shareholders that they have received cold calls where they are asked to confirm personal details such as their address. Shareholders are advised that such calls have not been arranged by either Aviva or our Registrar, Computershare, and are likely to be part of a scam. Shareholders who receive such calls are advised to hang up.
Aviva Foundation update
The Aviva Foundation is donating unclaimed shares and dividends for the public good, supporting charities and social enterprises delivering positive outcomes for our communities. Examples of our funding include:
- Climate Action: our funding for the University of Hull is developing a road map to support communities after major flood events. Aviva volunteers are engaged in this project providing expertise and collaborating to help communities and customers rebuild.
- Financial Capability and Inclusion: our funding to the Financially Resilient Communities project, run by a consortium formed of St. Paul’s Advice Centre, Talking Money and Advice UK, is re-designing the way financial advice services are provided to low-income and vulnerable groups, based on their experience and needs. Together, the partners support 1M clients.
- Community Resilience: we approved a grant to the 87% Foundation to provide access to a mental health support app to small businesses. They will work with Aviva’s new partner Enterprise Nation to offer a package of support for small businesses to become more sustainable and resilient.
Register and feedback
We’ll share more shareholder updates in December 2021. Register below to get an email when these are available.
If you have any feedback or suggestions for our shareholder update, please email
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