General Practice Finance Corporation Ltd unveils new look and plans for 2002

The General Practice Finance Corporation Ltd (GPFC), with over 30 years experience of providing surgery finance, has revealed a new look together with a number of marketing initiatives for 2002.

The General Practice Finance Corporation Ltd (GPFC), with over 30 years experience of providing surgery finance, has revealed a new look together with a number of marketing initiatives for 2002.

The new look, which features the familiar Norwich Union brandmark, will be seen across a range of initiatives including the web site and a series of special General Practitioners communications.

Earlier this year, GPFC ran a series of seminars across the country with the objective of better understanding GPs current issues and their future plans. This, in conjunction with a special research project about the finance needs of GPs, has helped shape GPFC's plans for the year ahead.

The marketing initiatives planned for the year ahead include:

* Special Business Guides for General Practitioners
* A newsletter
* Community packs

David Wright, head of sales and marketing at GPFC, said: "Our new look and marketing plans firmly underline our commitment to the General Practitioner's market and more closely align GPFC with the Norwich Union brand.

"There are many fundamental changes happening in the NHS and we want to ensure that GPFC is at the forefront of people's minds when looking for professional advice on surgery finance."

Press office contacts

James Evans, head of media relations 08703 66 68 78 or 7790 487105 (out of hours)
Ian Beggs, media relations manager 08703 66 68 71/07790 487533
Louise Goffee, media relations manager 08703 66 68 70/07810 057362

Notes to editors

Norwich Union is the UK's largest insurer. It is the UK・s largest provider of life, pensions and investment products and one of the leading IFA providers. IFAs provide around 75% of the company's long-term savings business.

Norwich Union has strategic alliances with over 20 building societies and other leading UK brand names including Tesco Personal Finance Limited and The Royal Bank of Scotland Group.

A selection of images is available from the CGNU Newscast site at

An ISDN facility is available for studio quality interviews. Call the press office on 08703 66 68 73

For all life & pensions media enquiries 08703 66 68 73
For all other media enquiries 08703 66 68 68

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