Norwich Union, the UK’s largest life insurer, has confirmed that it intends to introduce time barring on mortgage endowment complaints, under FSA rules, by the end of 2005.
Norwich Union, the UK’s largest life insurer, has confirmed that it intends to introduce time barring on mortgage endowment complaints, under FSA rules, by the end of 2005.
The company has started writing to its 1.1 million endowment policy holders, as part of an ongoing review mailing, stating that it intends to introduce time bars on mortgage endowment complaints in the future. Customers will be given at least 12 months individual notice before a time bar becomes applicable – double the six months notice required by the FSA.
Norwich Union believes that applying a time bar is fairer to all its with-profits policyholders than having an open ended complaints system where people could in effect complain about a policy sold ten years ago, up to fifteen years into the future. The complaints’ process exists to compensate for the genuine mis-sale of a policy and not to compensate for adverse investment performance during a policy’s lifetime.
Norwich Union chief actuary, Mike Urmston, said: "We believe that a time bar is the fairest approach to take in relation to mortgage endowment complaints. An open ended complaints system where people could complain up to 15 years into the future about a policy sold 10 years ago is simply unfair to other with-profits policy holders and could lead to compensation for the wrong reasons.
"Norwich Union has committed to writing to its mortgage endowment policyholders at least 12 months in advance of time barring applying to their policy – double the six months notice required by the FSA. The company will ensure that the communication to policyholders is clear and explicit with a specific date by which customers have to lodge a complaint if they are making one. The company expects the first letters to affected policyholders confirming specific time bar dates, applicable in 2005, to be issued during October/November 2004.
Mike Urmston, added: "We will ensure we are open and transparent in our communications with customers to ensure they are aware of exactly what the situation is on their policy. We will of course look sympathetically at individual circumstances on complaints which just fall foul of the time bar period where this has happened through no fault of the customer."
Press office contacts:
James Evans 01904 452791 Out of hours 07790 487105
Louise Soulsby 01904 452617 Out of hours 07810 057362
Notes to editors:
- Norwich Union is the UK’s largest insurer. It is a leading provider of life, pensions and investment products and one of the leading IFA providers. IFAs provide around 75% of the company’s long-term savings business
- Norwich Union has strategic alliances with building societies and other leading UK brand names including Tesco Personal Finance and The Royal Bank of Scotland group
- Norwich Union’s news releases and a selection of images are available from Aviva's internet press centre at