Health and Protection news

Aviva shares views on the Keep Britain Working Discovery Phase Report

Today the Government published its initial report following the discovery phase of its Keep Britain Working Review being led by Sir Charlie Mayfield. Aviva is actively engaging with the Review by sharing best practice on what works for us as an employer, and an insurer in keeping employees healthy and helping them to return to and stay in work following illness.

Commenting on the findings in the report, following his attendance at the Government’s round table event today, Steve Bridger, MD, Aviva Health said: "We welcome the findings of the Discovery Phase Report, particularly the recognition that prevention, retention, early intervention, and rapid rehabilitation in the workplace are likely to be the most effective remedies for the UK's economic inactivity problem over time.

“The next stage of the review will explore best practice interventions and case management. Alongside a supportive culture and practical tools like workplace adjustment passports all Aviva employees have access to Vocational Rehabilitation support if they need it. The vocational rehabilitation model provided via insurance uses a case management approach, brings in clinical and vocational experts, and works with both the employer and employee to agree on workplace adjustments, regularly review progress, and ensure appropriate support is in place to help them stay at work.

“We agree with Sir Charlie that the Government has a responsibility to encourage, champion, and support effective practices, especially in terms of prevention.

"We believe that in times of financial challenges, the government can achieve improvements in workplace health by asking large employers to be transparent about their workplace health support. For smaller employers, there should be a national Health at Work standard and better access to guidance on best practices.

“This approach would enhance workplace health standards by making them open-source and competitive for larger employers, while providing smaller employers with a benchmark to aim for, along with appropriate support."



Amber Scott

Protection and Health, Regulation

Notes to editors:

  • We are the UK's leading diversified insurer and we operate in the UK, Ireland and Canada. We also have international investments in India and China.
  • We help our 20.5 million (as at 31 December 2024) customers make the most out of life, plan for the future, and have the confidence that if things go wrong we'll be there to put it right.
  • We have been taking care of people for more than 325 years, in line with our purpose of being 'with you today, for a better tomorrow'. In 2024, we paid £29.3 billion in claims and benefits to our customers.
  • In 2021, we announced our ambition to become Net Zero by 2040, the first major insurance company in the world to do so. While we are working towards our sustainability ambitions, we recognise that while we have control over Aviva's operations and influence over our supply chain, when it comes to decarbonising the economy in which we operate and invest, Aviva is one part of a far larger global system. Nevertheless, we remain focused on the task and are committed to playing our part in the collective effort to enable the global transition. Find out more about our climate goals at and our sustainability ambition and action at
  • Aviva is a Living Wage, Living Pension and Living Hours employer and provides market-leading benefits for our people, including flexible working, paid carers leave and equal parental leave. Find out more at
  • As at 31 December 2024, total Group assets under management at Aviva Group were £407 billion and our estimated Solvency II shareholder capital surplus as at 31 December 2024 was £7.9 billion. Our shares are listed on the London Stock Exchange and we are a member of the FTSE 100 index.
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