Sustainability resources and reporting hub

The policies and reports that guide our business and behaviours.

Here, you’ll find our sustainability resources. They show our commitment to being a responsible and transparent organisation.

If you have any suggestions or queries about Aviva’s sustainability programme or policies please e-mail us at:

Sustainability policies


Sustainability Business Standard

This business standard aims to support a positive and progressive approach to sustainability at Aviva. It considers climate change, the environment and our local communities.

Aviva Biodiversity Policy

This policy sets our case for action to protect and enhance nature and its biodiversity, and illustrates a set of principles to guide our decision making and actions.

Human Rights Policy

This policy sets out the Group’s commitment to respect human rights and the expectations we set for our own people, no matter where they are based.

Modern Slavery Act Statement

This statement aligns to the requirements of the Modern Slavery Act 2015.

Aviva ESG Investment Baseline Exclusion Policy

This statement sets out our environmental, social and governance investment exclusions

Aviva ESG Baseline Underwriting Statement

This statement sets out our environmental, social and governance underwriting exclusions.

Aviva UK IWR Corporate Client Sustainability Statement

This statement sets out our UK IWR businesses environmental, social and governance (ESG) appetite.

Other policies


The Aviva Business Ethics Code 2025

This code defines a set of principles that we apply across the business to live our values of care, commitment, community and confidence.

Aviva working with Governments policy

This policy outlines our guidelines on how we work with governments, trade associations and policymakers worldwide.

Customer Experience Business Standard

The objective of this standard is to specify our minimum customer experience requirements. 

Aviva Data Privacy Statement

This data privacy statement sets out our commitment to process personal data in a compliant and fair way.

UK Customer Data Charter

Our Data Charter explains what we do with customers data and the rules around how it’s shared.

Procurement and Outsourcing Business Standard

The objective of this standard is to specify our governance and controls for supplier related activities.

Aviva Sustainable Procurement Statement

This statement sets out what we expect from all suppliers who work with us. 

Prevention of Bribery and Corruption Statement

This statement outlines our commitment as an organisation to the prevention of financial crime.

Aviva Group Gifts and Entertainment Procedures – July 2020

This document explains procedures to be followed if any of our staff gain gifts or entertainment. 

Speak Up Charter

This charter provides guidance on what types of concerns our colleagues should report, and how to go about it.

Health, safety and security

This set of documents set out our controls and policies for the successful management of health, safety, location resilience and security across Aviva. 

Health, Safety and Security Business Standard (PDF 125KB)

UK Health and Safety Policy (PDF 99KB)

Canada Health and Safety Policy (PDF 159KB)

Ireland Health and Safety Policy (PDF 154KB)

Health, Safety and Security Performance Summary (PDF 140KB) 



As a ClimateWise member we are required to report annually on our actions, to enable benchmarking of progress across the industry. Below are our most recent disclosures.


An archive of past reports and policies.

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