Taking climate action with partners
Our three-year partnership with the World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF) has supported the building of more resilient communities.
Together, we have restored landscapes, improved flood resilience and advocated for change in the finance sector to help slow climate change.
Wildlife Trusts
In February 2023, Aviva announced a £38 million partnership with The Wildlife Trusts.
Together, we'll restore Britain’s lost temperate rainforests over the next 60 years.
This initiative helps protect and restore nature while removing carbon dioxide from the atmosphere. Our British rainforest programme is also contributing towards flood protection.
The Woodland Trust
In February 2023, Aviva pledged £10 million to the Woodland Trust.
This donation will support the Woodland Carbon Scheme over the next 18 years. It will enhance carbon removal, air quality, and biodiversity through woodland creation and peat restoration.
We're aiming to remove about 330,000 tonnes of carbon over the next 100 years.
Wildfowl and Wetlands Trust
In June 2023, Aviva partnered with the Wildfowl and Wetlands Trusts (WWT) on an innovative saltmarsh creation project, one of the largest in the UK.
Aviva has pledged to donate £21 million aiming to help restore up to 250 hectares of saltmarsh over the next 17 years.
Wild + Pine (Canada)
In December 2023, Aviva pledged c.$CAD6.2 million to Wild + Pine.
Wild + Pine developed verified carbon removal assets through afforestation to achieve climate goals.
The partnership will run for 12 years. It aims to restore landscapes and improve biodiversity in the region.
Taking social action with partners
Citizen's Advice
In 2022, Aviva committed £7 million to Citizen's Advice. This money will help deliver vital front-line services including delivery support to 31 offices. As well as funding 50 telephone-based advisors and improving digital services.
Money Advice Trust
In 2022, Aviva committed £2 million to Money Advice Trust’s Business Debtline.
The funding will help handle an extra 25,000 calls and appointments. It will also help self-employed people and small business owners deal with their debts and improve their financial situation.
Business in the Community (BiTC)
Aviva is a Founding Place Partner for the King’s Responsible Business Network (BiTC).
Aviva is supporting BiTC’s ambition to improve fifty communities in the UK by 2032. This includes providing skilled volunteering and secondment opportunities for colleagues.
Aviva Foundation
The Aviva Foundation is an independent charity.
Its focus is on building financial resilience for underserved groups. In 2023, the Aviva Foundation provided £1.1 million of funding.
The Aviva Foundation is administered by Charities Trust under charity registration number 327489.