Understanding the power of your pension: Pension fund carbon savings research

Lifestyle changes like eating less meat and driving an electric car are well-known ways to reduce your carbon footprint. What’s less known is the amount of carbon saved when switching your pension to a sustainable fund. As part of our ambition to be Net Zero by 2040, we want everyone to have a better grasp on choices they can make to tackle climate change.

That’s why Aviva has undertaken a study with leading data analytics company, Route2, in association with Make My Money Matter, and Aviva’s strategic partner WWF-UK, to help people understand the impact financial services, in particular someone’s pension, can have on their individual carbon footprint.

Find out more about the methodology behind the research here: 

Make My Money Matter

Make My Money Matter x21 campaign.

Aviva and WWF

Aviva’s partnership with WWF.

Power of your pension

Aviva’s approach to helping UK customers understand the power of their pension.