Board committees

Our Board Committees

Role and responsibilities

The main responsibilities of the Board:

  • Promoting the long-term sustainable success of the Company, generating value for its shareholders whilst having regard to other stakeholders, including customers, suppliers and colleagues, as well as the impact of its operations on the communities within which it operates and the environment; 
  • establishing, monitoring and upholding the purpose, culture, values, standards, ethics, brand and reputation of the Company; 
  • setting the Group’s strategy and ensuring that it has the appropriate financial and human resources to meet those objectives; 
  • ensuring succession plans are in place for both the board and senior management positions; and assessing and monitoring the performance of the Group and its management against the strategy, within a framework of effective controls that enable risks to be assessed and managed. 

Read the Aviva plc Matters Reserved for the Board (PDF 103KB)



The Board's role is to provide entrepreneurial leadership of Aviva within a framework of prudent and effective controls which enables risk to be assessed and managed. 

Find out more about the Board and the role of the directors

How our Committees operate

The Committees operate within defined terms of reference which sets out the specific roles and responsibilities of each Committee. 

The Committees are authorised to engage the services of external advisers as they deem necessary in the furtherance of their duties at the Company’s expense.

Details of the membership, attendance and activities during the preceding year for each Committee can be found, together with each Committee's terms of reference above.