It takes Aviva
We recognise the importance of all colleagues at Aviva truly being themselves. It takes all of us, it takes Aviva.
These are our people...
We are Aviva.
We are our people.
We are our experiences,
our abilities,
our attitudes,
our ambitions,
our ideas,
and our interests.
We are ourselves.
We come together when times get tough.
We listen.
We adapt.
And we find strength in our diversity of people.
We learn and we grow together.
We each have our own unique voices and we respect each other's life experiences.
We say: "This is me, there is no one else like me".
What makes you, you?
What makes you, you?
Thank you to our colleagues who featured in this film.
AVIVA logo
It takes Aviva
Our commitments
Creating a diverse and inclusive organisation is a fundamental part of living up to our purpose of being with you today, for a better tomorrow. It means being there for all our people, serving all our customers well, and helping to contribute to fairer, more equal communities.
We are determined to keep challenging ourselves to do more to build a workplace – and society – that works for all.
Aviva Communities
Aviva Communities are our employee resource groups. They help ensure all our people have an equal voice and provide a global support network to strengthen our inclusion efforts across the business.
Women in leadership
We are signatories of the Women in Finance Charter and to date we have:
- increased female leadership* to 40.9% (as at 31 December 2024)
- continued to rank in the Times Top 50 Employers for Gender Equality
- been certified as a Great Place to Work in the UK, Canada, Ireland, Poland and Luxembourg.
*Defined as Head of and above.
Developing the next generations of female leaders
We continue to strengthen our focus on improving gender balance to accelerate the change we need to see.
Supporting ethnically diverse colleagues
We are focused on attracting, promoting and retaining more ethnically diverse employees – across all levels of the business.
We are signatories of the Race at Work charter and have introduced a number of initiatives to support its five focus areas – from enabling career progression to capturing ethnicity data. We are also founding partners of Change the Race Ratio, setting targets for our ethnically diverse senior leadership.
Leadership and development programmes
We set up an Origins intern programme in 2018 across our London, Norwich and Sheffield offices to support younger, ethnically diverse generations from lower socio-economic backgrounds kick-start their careers in Financial Services. This programme has since been developed into the Aviva Internship Programme, getting business areas across all our main offices in the UK involved. Since 2018, over 120 interns have completed the programme, with many returning to our graduate programmes.
UK Pay Gap Report
We recognise that accountability and transparency are key to progression. Our latest UK Pay Gap Report highlights our current performance and sets out the steps we are taking to improve the recruitment, retention and progression of our female and ethnically diverse employees.
The UK Pay Gap Report
Find out more about our UK pay gap and what we’re doing to address it.
Diversity data gathering
Gathering diversity insights from our employees helps us to provide support to those from minority backgrounds and learn how, where and when we need to intervene.
As at October 2023, 90% of our people opted to complete their race/ethnicity data and we continue to work towards increasing completion rates across all diversity characteristic data in order to better understand the makeup of our organisation, which will in turn enable us to form data-backed decisions and action plans.
External benchmarking
- Level 3 Carer Confident Employer.
- Social Mobility Index - 15th ranking.
- Times Top 50 for Gender Equality for the seventh year running.
- Working Families – ‘2024 Top 30 Employer for Working Families’.
- Certified as a Great Place to Work in the UK, Canada, Ireland, Poland and Luxembourg.
Progressive partnerships
In addition to our charter signatories, we are working in partnership with a number of different organisations to drive positive change and help raise awareness around diversity and inclusion:
Tracking our progress
Our Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Advisory Group monitor progress on our commitments. All of our Executive Committee are involved in our inclusion Communities.